Thursday, September 17, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 7 "Baptizing Christmas Trees" Edition

That's right - the guys are back with the Baptizing Christmas Trees edition of Vatican You, exploring what it means to incorporate cultural practices into the celebrations of the Church (Sacrosanctum Concilium par. 37-40), and how that 'incarnational reality' (the marriage of the human and the divine) makes sense in our own journeys of life.  Vatican You streams Saturday @ 11 am EST & Sunday @ 4pm EST at

After checking in with our hosts (and poking some good natured fun at a dear mutual friend), Fr. Shaun lays out these paragraphs in this week's '2-Minute Drill' and we reflect together on the liturgical and personal spiritual reality of 'baptizing' the common things of our lives for the purpose of falling ever more deeply into the one great love story in which we all find ourselves.

Have you left a review of our show on iTunes yet?  Please do that - and you'll be entered to win a copy of the Vatican II documents to read along with the Vatican You hosts in coming weeks.  For details visit: Vatican You Social Media Contest.

Join us this week for a full episode:
  • Explore the struggles of having to purchase clerical attire in ridiculously large sizes, and recent innovations in traditional priest garments (e.g., Fr. Alan's infamous, but oh so comfortable, 'tabby cassock'.)
  • Learn what 'baptizing Christmas trees' means and how it relates to these ideas (and has a real place in the life of the Church for practical and spiritual reasons).
  • Be a part of our first 'Mailbag' segment, where we answer a question from one of Fr. Chris' high school students who wants to know why priests wear black.
  • The difference between 'uniformity' and 'unity' - and how that's lived out in the life of the Church and our own spiritual journeys.
  • Um...Fr. Jerry chants the following phrase: porcum Dei (pig of God)...find out how that has anything to do with this conversation (and be surprised when you discover that, in fact, it really does)
  • Our hosts cram as many 'breadbox' puns as possible into a new promo.
  • Fr. Chris recalls the time that he flew a helicopter through the ginormous Advent Wreath in one of Fr. Shaun's previous parishes.  (And yes, folks - believe it or not - that is a true story...)
Join us for a lot of fun, this week on Vatican You. Check us out online - or listen right here (click the play button below).

1 comment:

  1. This was a GREAT show!! You guys are a hoot!! Yet I think every listener will appreciate and better understand how personal culture/history is used BY the Church for the unity OF the Church.
