After they get their mute buttons figured out, our hosts consider the seasons of the Church year (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time) as well as the cycle of feasts of Saints in this week's edition covering Sacrosanctum Concilium Chapter V (par. 102-111).
- Your hosts consider pitching a new TV show called "Seasons of Grace" - you won't want to miss the premise they're dreaming up...
- Explore why the Council Fathers refer to Sundays as the "Eighth Day" - and the significance of that understanding on how we live the Christian life and some (perhaps often unnoticed) aspects of Church architecture.
- The hosts discuss the goal of living the whole cycle of seasons every year and how that whole cycle is celebrated each week and again each day like a "nesting doll".
- On this week's Pop Quiz Hotshot segment, we look forward to the coming Year of Mercy and learn what Fr. Chris' sandwiches have to do with the festivities.
- Our hosts discuss some practical ways to engage the seasons in this week's Real Life segment, including practical ideas for the coming Advent season.

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