Five months, 17 episodes, more than 5,000 podcast streams, all leading up to this moment; Vatican You wraps its stroll through the Second Vatican Council's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy this week. What a great adventure it's been - but not to fret, there's more to come! Along with lots of other fun, this week's show includes the
big reveal on where Vatican You turns next.
- Discover which host is missing from this week's show due to an unexpected (and hard to envision) liturgical device malfunction right after his recent hilarious priestly wardrobe malfunction.
- Catholic News Desk Live covers the amazing relationship between the Star Wars Universe and the Catholic Church (you don't want to miss this!)
- Our hosts consider how this five month journey through Sacrosanctum Concilium can lead to some concrete "real life" actions for all of us, and we share our thoughts on the most overlooked teachings of this conciliar document.
- And consider our last words on this document of Vatican II.

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