Friday, July 31, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, No. 1 "Begin at the Beginning" Edition

On this week's show, we 'begin at the beginning' - the Sacred Liturgy.  Join our hosts as we begin our weekly walk through the Magisterium of the Church the same place the Second Vatican Council began their work - with our exploration of Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.  In this week's show, we take a closer look at paragraphs 1-4, the introduction to the document.  We also discuss the general objectives of the entire Council outlined in these paragraphs that will inform our reading of the other conciliar documents.

On this week's show:
  • The hosts discuss what could go wrong with 4 priests hosting a weekly radio show...
  • Fr. Alan's '2-Minute Drill' summarizes the contents of par. 1-4
  • We meet Fr. Shaun, and learn about his one and only athletic adventure, as well as why he has flashing lights on his priest-mobile.
  • Fr. Jerry takes the lead on our first Catholic News Desk Live segment, exploring what Soda Fountains and French Fries have to do with the magisterial authority of the Church.
  • Explore the impact on these four small paragraphs on your life in the RealLife segment.

Find out more, listen live or stream this and other Podcasts, all at Breadbox Media!  Keep praying...

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Vatican You is Coming...

The Vatican You Radio Hour is on the way!  Fr. Chris, Fr. Shaun, Fr. Jerry, and Fr. Alan recently recorded the first two shows.  Stay tuned while we turn that into our first two weekly broadcasts.  Then, join us on our weekly walk through the Magisterium of the Church right smack dab in the middle of our daily lives, and have a lot of fun along the way.