Saturday, October 31, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 12 "Water, Oil and Dirt" Edition

After a week's hiatus at our Super Secret Vatican You Research Labs, the hosts are back to continue our journey through Sacrosanctum Concilium (par. ) considering the changes the Council Fathers sought in the sacraments that mark the great movements and moments of our lives.  Explore the relationship between water, oil and dirt (that goes beyond Fr. Alan's typical laundry concerns.)
  • Fr. Chris burns Fr. Alan within the first 2 minutes of this week's show - burns him so badly that Fr. Chris even thinks our listeners should send Fr. Alan some cookies to help heal his wounded ego.
  • Fr. Shaun did such a great job with our last '2-Minute Drill' that he takes this episode as well.
  • Find out why Fr. Alan is concerned that this episode might get all of the hosts invited to their bishops' offices.
  • Our hosts unfold the "journey" the Council Fathers highlighted in some of the changes they outlined in the sacraments of initiation.
  • This week on Catholic News Desk Live, we hear what the Vatican and Star Wars/Star Trek have in common.
Check out the Water, Oil and Dirt edition now - just click the "play" button below.

Vol 1, Ep 12 "Water, Oil, and Dirt"

After a week's hiatus at the Super Secret Vatican You Research Labs, the hosts are back to continue our journey through Sacrosanctum Concilium (par. 75-82) considering the changes the Council Fathers sought in the sacraments that mark the great movements and moments of our lives. Explore the relationship between water, oil and dirt (that goes beyond Fr. Alan's typical laundry concerns.) Fr. Chris burns Fr. Alan so bad within the first 2 minutes that Fr. Chris thinks our listeners should send Fr. Alan some cookies to heal his wounded ego. Fr. Shaun takes the 2-Minute Drill, and we reflect on the "journey" the Council highlighted in the changes to the Sacraments of Initiation. Catholic News Desk Life considers the relationship between the Vatican and Star Wars/Star Trek, and we get a perfect example of Fr. Chris' fine-tuned sarcasm.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Super Top Secret Vatican You Research Labs...

The Vatican You Show hosts are busy testing new products with our virtual producer Eamonn at our super top secret research labs in Blooming Grove so there's no new show this weekend. 

We'll be back next week with our "Water, Oil, and Dirt" edition.   

Until then, we hope you'll get caught up on an episode podcast you may have missed. 

(See listings below on the blog, or click the "Listen Now" link on the menu at the right to select a show to stream.)  

See you next week!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 11 "Sacred Stop Signs" Edition

Our conversation moves to the Council's thoughts on "Sacraments and Sacramentals" as we consider how blessed images, holy water, blessed salt, Angelus bells and the like work like "Sacred Stop Signs" helping us to pause a moment and turn our hearts and minds toward God in our daily lives.
  • Fr. Shaun takes this week's '2-Minute Drill'
  • Our virtual producer Eamonn has discovered a soundboard app, and has fun throwing our hosts for a loop - and Fr. Alan may or may not have mooed and fired a laser
  • On our first ever Devotional Intelligence segment, Fr. Jerry gives us some insight into Divine Mercy devotions
  • Discover the purpose of the images, actions, objects and blessings - to turn our hearts toward transcendent realities and prepare us to receive and make good use of the graces of the sacraments.
Listen to Sacred Stop Signs now - just click below:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Vol 1, Ep 11 "Sacred Stop Signs"

The hosts fight to overcome some technical challenges on our "Sacred Stop Signs" pondering the Council's ideas on Sacraments and Sacramental in the life of faith. (Hang in there with us, friends - we're overcoming the technical challenges one step at a time.) Fr. Shaun takes our 2 Minute Drill, and Fr. Jerry tries his hand at our first round of "Devotional Intelligence" taking a closer look at the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Along the way, we take a closer look at blessed salt, holy water, blessed candles, and the many different "Sacred Stop Signs" that help turn our hearts and minds toward God and help us be open to the grace and love we encounter in Christ.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 10 "Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes" Edition

The hosts celebrate their 10th episodes with this "Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes" edition (and Fr. Alan does his best David Bowie impersonation to get us off to a good start).

After guessing about how its possible that our show has made it 10 weeks on's lineup, we take a look at the changes to the Sacred Liturgy the Vatican II Council Fathers decreed in Sacrosanctum Concilium (par. 50-57).

  • Fr. Chris outlines the "cha-cha-cha-changes" decreed by the Council in the 2-Minute Drill
  • We reflect on the important role of the faithful in relation to the homily at Mass (that's right, folks - you have a role to play during the homily as well - and arguably your role is more important than the preacher's...)
  • The Council's focus on restoration vs. innovation is considered, putting many of the liturgical cha-cha-cha-changes in their proper context.
  • One practical suggestion the Council made that seems to have been consistently overlooked in the Church in America is discussed.
  • Fr. Shaun verifies that our gaming license is in order, and spins the wheel for Patron Saint Roulette.
  • Fr. Jerry admits to having judged karaoke, and tells calms Fr. Alan's fears about fitting through doorways by pointing out that Hobbit doors are available in contemporary construction.

Join us! Find us on iTunes (just search for "Vatican You") or listen below:

Vol 1, Ep 10 "Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes"

To celebrate our 10th episode, Fr. Alan does his best David Bowie impression to launch this episode exploring the "Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes" to the Mass decreed by Vatican II (Sacrosanctum Concilium par. 50-57). With our gaming license in order, Fr. Shaun spins the 'Patron Saint Roulette' wheel, leading to Fr. Jerry asking Fr. Alan to "moo" for us. Fr. Chris reviews the liturgical changes in the '2-Minute Drill', and along the way we consider the role of the faithful in the homily, and the significance of the changes being driven by restoration rather than innovation. Also, learn at least one decree the Council made that we seem to be overlooking in the Church today. Join us!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

We're Not Experts - You Don't Have to Be Either! Join Us...

In an exquisite reflection (click the image to find it; it's well worth the read!) Bishop Barron says, 

"When Karol Wojtyla was Archbishop of Krakow, he led his people in a careful and prayerful reading of the documents of Vatican II. 

"I am convinced that many of the disputes that we have in the Church in this country are a function of not having done what Wojtyla compelled his people to do." 

The Vatican You hosts are a far cry from Pope St. John Paul the Great (and, for that matter, a far cry from Bishop Barron) - but this is exactly what we're about: a careful & prayerful reading of Vatican II - with a lot of fun along the way; a reading that invites us all into deeper engagement with the beauty and richness of Christian discipleship lived within the Catholic Church - seeking to enlist this great teaching in the reality of our times. 

We're not experts - so you need not be either! Join us...

Monday, October 5, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 9 "Realizing the Mystery" Edition

This weekend the Vatican You hosts reflect on the Council's meditation in the middle of Sacrosanctum Concilium on the "Sacred Mystery of the Eucharist" (par. 47-49). Fr. Shaun joins us on his 'tin can and a string' internet connection from the Vatican You Research Labs in Blooming Grove, IN and the hosts discuss whether or nor 'hungry' counts as a "feeling" as Fr. Jerry gets Fr. Alan off track by mentioning chicken nuggets.

  • Fr. Alan takes this week's '2-Minute Drill' and encourages all our listeners to locate and pray with these paragraphs of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
  • Fr. Chris is in the hot seat in this week's edition of "Pop Quiz Hotshot" looking at the 3 offices all of the faithful are empowered (and expected) to live out in the world (and how they're related to the ministry of the bishops).
  • We explore what it means to be something more than a "silent spectator" when participating in the sacred mysteries.
  • In the Real Life segment, we consider what it means to say that God will be "all in all" - and we practice one way to go about understanding tough phrases in Church documents.
Listen now with our podcast player below:

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Vol 1, Ep 9 "Realizing the Mystery"

Explore the Council Fathers' meditation on the "Sacred Mystery of the Eucharist" (Sacrosanctum Concilium, par. 47-49) on this week's edition of Vatican You, where Fr. Shaun joins us on his 'tin can and a string' internet connection from the Vatican You Research Labs. Along the way, the hosts discuss whether or not 'hungry' is a feeling (because Fr. Jerry gets Fr. Alan off track by mentioning chicken nuggets). Fr. Chris is in the hot seat "Pop Quiz Hotshot" with a question about the three offices all the faithful are empowered (and expected) to fulfill - and how that relates to the ministry of the bishops. And we consider what it means to say that God will be "all in all" - and practice one way to gain better understanding of difficult phrases in Church documents. Join us!