Friday, September 4, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 5 "No Right to Privacy" Edition

Put on your seat belt folks - Vatican You is back with the "No Right to Privacy" edition, exploring the communal nature of the liturgy (par. 26-33 of Sacrosanctum Concilium).  In between debating gold stars and skylines - and what they have to do with priests' mothers - we explore the difference between 'planning the liturgy' and 'preparing the liturgy' and discover why there is no such thing as 'private' liturgy.  We also discuss how each person doing their part - and only their part - and doing it well - contributes to the dignity of the entire community's celebration.  Also on this week's show:

  • Fr. Jerry reflects on fulfilling a life-long dream rooted in having a face made for radio
  • We learn what it takes to be a Catholic in good standing in Fostoria, OH (and why Fr. Chris is a Catholic in very good standing)
  • Fr. Shaun confesses to hacking his parish's computer systems, and Fr. Alan shares why he's buying all the stock he can in companies that manufacture label makers
  • Fr. Alan takes this week's '2 Minute Drill', Fr. Chris gets the last 'last word', and we play a totally random round of 'What's It Say?'
All this and more on this week's edition of the Vatican You Show.  Join us!

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