Sunday, December 20, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 17 "The Vatican You Awakens"

Five months, 17 episodes, more than 5,000 podcast streams, all leading up to this moment; Vatican You wraps its stroll through the Second Vatican Council's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy this week.  What a great adventure it's been - but not to fret, there's more to come!  Along with lots of other fun, this week's show includes the big reveal on where Vatican You turns next.
  • Discover which host is missing from this week's show due to an unexpected (and hard to envision) liturgical device malfunction right after his recent hilarious priestly wardrobe malfunction.
  • Catholic News Desk Live covers the amazing relationship between the Star Wars Universe and the Catholic Church (you don't want to miss this!)
  • Our hosts consider how this five month journey through Sacrosanctum Concilium can lead to some concrete "real life" actions for all of us, and we share our thoughts on the most overlooked teachings of this conciliar document.
  • And consider our last words on this document of Vatican II.

If you haven't done it yet, consider subscribing to the Vatican You podcast in iTunes and leave a review.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Vol 1, Ep 17 "The Vatican You Awakens"

5 months, 17 episodes, 5,000+ podcast streams - all leading to our first "wrap show" where your hosts conclude our stroll through Vatican II's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium). But not to fret! This episode includes the "big reveal" on where Vatican You will turn in the New Year (you don't wanna miss that!) Hear about the liturgical device malfunction that prevents one of our hosts from joining us (in the same week he experienced a hilarious priestly wardrobe malfunction), and explore how the Star Wars Universe collides with Catholicism in Catholic News Desk Live. Our hosts give their "last words" on this document and offer some suggestions for translating all this information into "real life." Join us!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 16 "Supernatural Reality" Edition

Vatican You is beginning to wind up its episodes on Sacrosanctum Concilium with this "Supernatural Reality" edition brought to you by St. Joseph Shop in Batesville, IN considering the last two chapters on sacred music, art, and furnishings.
  • Hear our hosts' favorite "Elf on the Shelf" disasters...and listen as they try to trip of Fr. Alan's 4 minute long '2 Minute Drill' by sending him messages as he gets started.
  • The difference between "singing at Mass" vs. "singing the Mass" and the 'pride of place' given to liturgical music in the sacred liturgy is discussed, and how all this ties together into achieving that 'full, conscious, and active participation' the Council speaks of throughout the document.  
  • On our first "Two Sides of the Same Coin" segment, our hosts discuss the liturgical year and Advent in particular from the perspective of 'cradle Catholics' (Fr. Shaun & Fr. Chris) and 'converts' (Fr. Jerry & Fr. Alan).
  • And - yes - discover how these things that seem focused only on what happens 'at Church' really do have "Real Life" applications for all of us.
  • Explore how everything about the liturgy is designed to sharpen our vision to help all of us see and experience the "supernatural realities" that make ordinary life an extraordinary journey.  
Stay tuned for our Sacrosanctum Concilium "wrap" show coming next, where we'll hear our hosts last words (at least for now) on this document and announce where our weekly walk through the teachings of the Church will take us next.

Vol 1, Ep 16 "Supernatural Reality"

We being to wind our reflections on Sacrosanctum Concilium with this "Supernatural Reality" edition considering the last two chapters on sacred music, art, and furnishings. Hear our hosts' favorite "Elf on the Shelf" disasters...and listen as they try to trip up Fr. Alan's 4 minute long '2 Minute Drill.' The difference between "singing at Mass" vs. "singing the Mass" and the 'pride of place' given to liturgical music in the sacred liturgy is discussed, and how all this ties together into achieving that 'full, conscious, and active participation' the Council speaks of throughout the document. On our first "Two Sides of the Same Coin" segment, our hosts discuss the liturgical year and Advent from the perspective of 'cradles' and 'converts.' And - yes - discover how these things that seem focused only on what happens 'at Church' really do have "Real Life" applications for all of us. Explore how everything about the liturgy is designed to sharpen our vision to help all of us see and experience the "supernatural realities" that make ordinary life an extraordinary journey.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Fr. Chris, Fr. Shaun, Fr. Jerry and Fr. Alan wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!  We have so much to be thankful for, including the opportunity we have to explore the great riches of the teachings of the Catholic Church with you.  Our "cup runneth over" and our turkey is in the oven, so while we're traveling over the river and through the woods we encourage you to check out a Vatican You Show you've missed - or enjoy your favorite episode again.  Just click "Listen Now" from the menu on the right at the bottom, or click the iTunes button below to browse our iTunes podcast episodes.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 15 "Seasons of Grace" Edition

This episode of Vatican You is brought to you by St. Joseph's Shop in Batesville, IN.  Find them on Facebook, and learn more on our Sponsors page.  Thanks to the folks at St. Joseph's Shop for their support of Vatican You!

After they get their mute buttons figured out, our hosts consider the seasons of the Church year (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time) as well as the cycle of feasts of Saints in this week's edition covering Sacrosanctum Concilium Chapter V (par. 102-111).
  • Your hosts consider pitching a new TV show called "Seasons of Grace" - you won't want to miss the premise they're dreaming up...
  • Explore why the Council Fathers refer to Sundays as the "Eighth Day" - and the significance of that understanding on how we live the Christian life and some (perhaps often unnoticed) aspects of Church architecture.
  • The hosts discuss the goal of living the whole cycle of seasons every year and how that whole cycle is celebrated each week and again each day like a "nesting doll".
  • On this week's Pop Quiz Hotshot segment, we look forward to the coming Year of Mercy and learn what Fr. Chris' sandwiches have to do with the festivities.
  • Our hosts discuss some practical ways to engage the seasons in this week's Real Life segment, including practical ideas for the coming Advent season.
Vatican You streams on Saturdays @ 11am EST and Sundays @ 4pm EST.  Or, subscribe to our podcast (click the button below) to catch this and all our episodes when they're released.  Have a great weekend!

You can also listen right from this page - just click the play button below.

Vol 1, Ep 15 "Seasons of Grace"

The liturgical year is this week's topic (Sacrosanctum Concilium, par 102-111), thou the hosts consider pitching "Seasons of Grace" as a new hit TV've got to hear their concept. Explore why the Council Fathers refer to Sundays as the "eighth day" and its significance on living the Christian life (and some often unnoticed aspects of Church architecture). Discuss how the liturgical year, each week, and even each day is somewhat of a "nesting doll" of the Christian mystery, and the purpose behind that cyclic repetition. This weeks' "Pop Quiz Hotshot" considers what Fr. Chris' sandwiches have to do with the coming Year of Mercy. And consider some practical ways to embrace the liturgical seasons in our Real Life segment. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 14 "(Divine) Office Space" Edition

Fr. Chris helps Fr. Shaun get his pop-culture references straightened and Fr. Alan hides an "Easter Egg" for UK Newman Center students as we kick off this edition of Vatican You considering the Council's reflections and changes to the "Divine Office"; a/k/a Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, etc.) prayed by religious, priests, deacons, and many members of the faithful. (Chapter IV of Sacrosanctum Concilium). Explore the way the Divine Office helps us 'pray without ceasing' and do our best to focus the days, seasons, years, and chapters of our lives on God.  Along the way, we also take a look at:
  • one way of understanding the relationship of the Liturgy of the Hours (and Eucharistic Adoration) to the Mass
  • ways to start small and consistent in developing a routine of prayer throughout the day
  • various forms of the Liturgy of the Hours that might be good starting points for anyone
  • the Patron Saint for your next "Whack-A-Mole" adventure on Patron Saint Roulette
  • some practical suggestions for the work left to do in realizing the Council's vision for incorporating the Liturgy of the Hours into the life of the parish community

Vol 1, Ep 14 "(Divine) Office Space"

Fr. Chris helps Fr. Shaun get his pop-culture references straightened out and Fr. Alan hides an "Easter Egg" for UK Newman Center students right at the beginning of this episode discussing the Council's vision of the Liturgy of the Hours ("The Divine Office") in Ch. 4 of Sacrosanctum Concilium. Fr. Chris connects the Liturgy of the Hours (and Eucharistic Adoration) to the Mass, we offer practical suggestions for getting started with prayer that focuses the movement of our days, weeks, years, and seasons on God, and we discover the patron saint who can help in your next "Whack-A-Mole" adventure in this week's Patron Saint Roulette.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 13 "Rites 2.0" Edition

Fr. Chris' dancing monkey gets this Rites 2.0 edition of the Vatican You show off to a great start.  We hear about the tactical preparations Fr. Alan made to survive the recent Halloween festivities, and the hosts share their favorite Halloween costumes from years past.  (Just wait until you hear Fr. Shaun's favorite childhood costume - it's AWESOME!)  Fr. Jerry summarizes the Council's revisions to rites of ordination, marriage, sacramental blessings, consecration of virgins, religious professions, and the funeral liturgies.
  • Explore the amazing story of St. Denis, who was martyred in Paris
  • The Council's revisions are seen once again to be rooted in their desire to assure that the graces of the sacraments are more readily recognizable to all the faithful.
  • The connection between the "Ite" (the "Go Forth") that is a common part of our rites and rituals and the revisions made by the Council is explored.
  • The hosts consider specifically the changes to the Rite of Marriage - and the good reasons for the way it had been done and the way the Council re-envisions it are discussed; the hosts point out the importance of seeing the rites in continuity (embracing what is highlighted in both the pre-conciliar and post-conciliar forms).
  • In this week's "Mail Bag" segment, the hosts ponder the Church's position on Halloween festivities.
  • Fr. Chris has this week's last "Last Word" after some practical suggestions for all our listeners on doing something concrete with these words from the Council in our Real Life Segment.
We hope you enjoy this "Rites 2.0" edition of Vatican You.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Vol 1, Ep 13 "Rites 2.0"

Fr. Chris' dancing monkey gets us started on this week's "Rites 2.0" edition covering the Council's revisions to ordination, marriage, and funeral rites (among others). Looking back at Halloween, the hosts share their favorite costumes, and Fr. Alan describes the preparations he made to survive the festivities on a large college campus. Fr. Shaun offers some important perspectives on how the pre-conciliar marriage and funeral rites can continue to inform our celebrations today. Fr. Jerry helps us get our story straight on the martyrdom of St. Denis. And our hosts explore the Church's position on Halloween in this week's "Mail Bag" segment.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 12 "Water, Oil and Dirt" Edition

After a week's hiatus at our Super Secret Vatican You Research Labs, the hosts are back to continue our journey through Sacrosanctum Concilium (par. ) considering the changes the Council Fathers sought in the sacraments that mark the great movements and moments of our lives.  Explore the relationship between water, oil and dirt (that goes beyond Fr. Alan's typical laundry concerns.)
  • Fr. Chris burns Fr. Alan within the first 2 minutes of this week's show - burns him so badly that Fr. Chris even thinks our listeners should send Fr. Alan some cookies to help heal his wounded ego.
  • Fr. Shaun did such a great job with our last '2-Minute Drill' that he takes this episode as well.
  • Find out why Fr. Alan is concerned that this episode might get all of the hosts invited to their bishops' offices.
  • Our hosts unfold the "journey" the Council Fathers highlighted in some of the changes they outlined in the sacraments of initiation.
  • This week on Catholic News Desk Live, we hear what the Vatican and Star Wars/Star Trek have in common.
Check out the Water, Oil and Dirt edition now - just click the "play" button below.

Vol 1, Ep 12 "Water, Oil, and Dirt"

After a week's hiatus at the Super Secret Vatican You Research Labs, the hosts are back to continue our journey through Sacrosanctum Concilium (par. 75-82) considering the changes the Council Fathers sought in the sacraments that mark the great movements and moments of our lives. Explore the relationship between water, oil and dirt (that goes beyond Fr. Alan's typical laundry concerns.) Fr. Chris burns Fr. Alan so bad within the first 2 minutes that Fr. Chris thinks our listeners should send Fr. Alan some cookies to heal his wounded ego. Fr. Shaun takes the 2-Minute Drill, and we reflect on the "journey" the Council highlighted in the changes to the Sacraments of Initiation. Catholic News Desk Life considers the relationship between the Vatican and Star Wars/Star Trek, and we get a perfect example of Fr. Chris' fine-tuned sarcasm.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Super Top Secret Vatican You Research Labs...

The Vatican You Show hosts are busy testing new products with our virtual producer Eamonn at our super top secret research labs in Blooming Grove so there's no new show this weekend. 

We'll be back next week with our "Water, Oil, and Dirt" edition.   

Until then, we hope you'll get caught up on an episode podcast you may have missed. 

(See listings below on the blog, or click the "Listen Now" link on the menu at the right to select a show to stream.)  

See you next week!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 11 "Sacred Stop Signs" Edition

Our conversation moves to the Council's thoughts on "Sacraments and Sacramentals" as we consider how blessed images, holy water, blessed salt, Angelus bells and the like work like "Sacred Stop Signs" helping us to pause a moment and turn our hearts and minds toward God in our daily lives.
  • Fr. Shaun takes this week's '2-Minute Drill'
  • Our virtual producer Eamonn has discovered a soundboard app, and has fun throwing our hosts for a loop - and Fr. Alan may or may not have mooed and fired a laser
  • On our first ever Devotional Intelligence segment, Fr. Jerry gives us some insight into Divine Mercy devotions
  • Discover the purpose of the images, actions, objects and blessings - to turn our hearts toward transcendent realities and prepare us to receive and make good use of the graces of the sacraments.
Listen to Sacred Stop Signs now - just click below:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Vol 1, Ep 11 "Sacred Stop Signs"

The hosts fight to overcome some technical challenges on our "Sacred Stop Signs" pondering the Council's ideas on Sacraments and Sacramental in the life of faith. (Hang in there with us, friends - we're overcoming the technical challenges one step at a time.) Fr. Shaun takes our 2 Minute Drill, and Fr. Jerry tries his hand at our first round of "Devotional Intelligence" taking a closer look at the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Along the way, we take a closer look at blessed salt, holy water, blessed candles, and the many different "Sacred Stop Signs" that help turn our hearts and minds toward God and help us be open to the grace and love we encounter in Christ.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 10 "Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes" Edition

The hosts celebrate their 10th episodes with this "Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes" edition (and Fr. Alan does his best David Bowie impersonation to get us off to a good start).

After guessing about how its possible that our show has made it 10 weeks on's lineup, we take a look at the changes to the Sacred Liturgy the Vatican II Council Fathers decreed in Sacrosanctum Concilium (par. 50-57).

  • Fr. Chris outlines the "cha-cha-cha-changes" decreed by the Council in the 2-Minute Drill
  • We reflect on the important role of the faithful in relation to the homily at Mass (that's right, folks - you have a role to play during the homily as well - and arguably your role is more important than the preacher's...)
  • The Council's focus on restoration vs. innovation is considered, putting many of the liturgical cha-cha-cha-changes in their proper context.
  • One practical suggestion the Council made that seems to have been consistently overlooked in the Church in America is discussed.
  • Fr. Shaun verifies that our gaming license is in order, and spins the wheel for Patron Saint Roulette.
  • Fr. Jerry admits to having judged karaoke, and tells calms Fr. Alan's fears about fitting through doorways by pointing out that Hobbit doors are available in contemporary construction.

Join us! Find us on iTunes (just search for "Vatican You") or listen below:

Vol 1, Ep 10 "Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes"

To celebrate our 10th episode, Fr. Alan does his best David Bowie impression to launch this episode exploring the "Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes" to the Mass decreed by Vatican II (Sacrosanctum Concilium par. 50-57). With our gaming license in order, Fr. Shaun spins the 'Patron Saint Roulette' wheel, leading to Fr. Jerry asking Fr. Alan to "moo" for us. Fr. Chris reviews the liturgical changes in the '2-Minute Drill', and along the way we consider the role of the faithful in the homily, and the significance of the changes being driven by restoration rather than innovation. Also, learn at least one decree the Council made that we seem to be overlooking in the Church today. Join us!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

We're Not Experts - You Don't Have to Be Either! Join Us...

In an exquisite reflection (click the image to find it; it's well worth the read!) Bishop Barron says, 

"When Karol Wojtyla was Archbishop of Krakow, he led his people in a careful and prayerful reading of the documents of Vatican II. 

"I am convinced that many of the disputes that we have in the Church in this country are a function of not having done what Wojtyla compelled his people to do." 

The Vatican You hosts are a far cry from Pope St. John Paul the Great (and, for that matter, a far cry from Bishop Barron) - but this is exactly what we're about: a careful & prayerful reading of Vatican II - with a lot of fun along the way; a reading that invites us all into deeper engagement with the beauty and richness of Christian discipleship lived within the Catholic Church - seeking to enlist this great teaching in the reality of our times. 

We're not experts - so you need not be either! Join us...

Monday, October 5, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 9 "Realizing the Mystery" Edition

This weekend the Vatican You hosts reflect on the Council's meditation in the middle of Sacrosanctum Concilium on the "Sacred Mystery of the Eucharist" (par. 47-49). Fr. Shaun joins us on his 'tin can and a string' internet connection from the Vatican You Research Labs in Blooming Grove, IN and the hosts discuss whether or nor 'hungry' counts as a "feeling" as Fr. Jerry gets Fr. Alan off track by mentioning chicken nuggets.

  • Fr. Alan takes this week's '2-Minute Drill' and encourages all our listeners to locate and pray with these paragraphs of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
  • Fr. Chris is in the hot seat in this week's edition of "Pop Quiz Hotshot" looking at the 3 offices all of the faithful are empowered (and expected) to live out in the world (and how they're related to the ministry of the bishops).
  • We explore what it means to be something more than a "silent spectator" when participating in the sacred mysteries.
  • In the Real Life segment, we consider what it means to say that God will be "all in all" - and we practice one way to go about understanding tough phrases in Church documents.
Listen now with our podcast player below:

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Vol 1, Ep 9 "Realizing the Mystery"

Explore the Council Fathers' meditation on the "Sacred Mystery of the Eucharist" (Sacrosanctum Concilium, par. 47-49) on this week's edition of Vatican You, where Fr. Shaun joins us on his 'tin can and a string' internet connection from the Vatican You Research Labs. Along the way, the hosts discuss whether or not 'hungry' is a feeling (because Fr. Jerry gets Fr. Alan off track by mentioning chicken nuggets). Fr. Chris is in the hot seat "Pop Quiz Hotshot" with a question about the three offices all the faithful are empowered (and expected) to fulfill - and how that relates to the ministry of the bishops. And we consider what it means to say that God will be "all in all" - and practice one way to gain better understanding of difficult phrases in Church documents. Join us!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 8 "Whole Flock" Edition

Vatican You is back (streaming at on Saturday @ 11am EST & Sunday @ 4pm EST) with this week's "Whole Flock" edition (if nothing else, it will be entertaining listening to our hosts try not mispronounce the name through the whole show.)  This week we delve into par. 41-46 of Sacrosanctum Concilium (the Vatican II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy) describing the 'whole flock' of the Church, gathered around the bishop, and the liturgical life of the parish, diocese, and the universal Church.
  • Fr. Shaun offers to send Fr. Alan some railroad spikes and sledge-hammers (find out why)
  • Fr. Chris admits to being proud of chasing students out of his high school classroom, and Fr. Shaun admits to installing cable in one of his parishes.  (What in the world is going on in these parishes?!?)
  • Fr. Jerry's '2-Minute Drill' describes the Bishop's role as the "High Priest of his flock" and we talk about why that's important - even to things like Church architecture and certain Church celebrations
  • We're reminded that the parish is not the basic building block of the universal Church - and why that's important.
  • We play a special "Papal Bull" edition of What's It Say in honor of the Holy Father's visit to the United States (and Fr. Chris clears up that a 'Papal Bull' is not an animal with horns) - we explore a random paragraph of Misericordiae Vultus ("The Face of Mercy") - Pope Francis' 'bull' initiating the coming Year of Mercy

Special thanks to St. Joseph's Shop in Batesville, IN for sponsoring this week's Podcast!  St. Joseph's Shop (located at 347 North Side Drive, Suite H in Batesville) is a great place with warm and friendly volunteers ready to help you deepen your faith.  Find them on Facebook, and join us in thanking them for their support of Vatican You!

Vol 1, Ep 8 "Whole Flock"

Delving into how the 'whole flock' of the Church is present in the liturgy - most especially when the faithful, clergy and priests are gathered together around the Bishop - is this week's topic on Vatican You (Sacrosanctum Concilium, par. 41-46). Along the way, Fr. Shaun offers (threatens?) to send Fr. Alan railroad spikes and sledge-hammers, Fr. Chris admits to being proud for sending students running from his high school classroom, Fr. Jerry takes the '2-Minute Drill', and we play a special "Papal Bull" edition of "What's It Say?" in honor of the Holy Father's visit to the US.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Vol 1, Ep 7 "Baptizing Christmas Trees"

What does clerical clothing purchased at the local tent and awning store, 'porcum Dei', why priests wear black, and Advent wreaths so large Fr. Chris can fly helicopters through them have in common? This week's "Baptizing Christmas Trees" edition of Vatican You, that's what. We take a look at incorporating cultural realities in the sacred liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium, par. 37-40) and how that flows over into how we all walk our personal spiritual journeys on a day to day basis. This episode includes our first 'Mail Bag' segment, Fr. Shaun has our '2-Minute Drill', Fr. Jerry has this week's last 'last-word', and we all have a lot of fun. Join us!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 7 "Baptizing Christmas Trees" Edition

That's right - the guys are back with the Baptizing Christmas Trees edition of Vatican You, exploring what it means to incorporate cultural practices into the celebrations of the Church (Sacrosanctum Concilium par. 37-40), and how that 'incarnational reality' (the marriage of the human and the divine) makes sense in our own journeys of life.  Vatican You streams Saturday @ 11 am EST & Sunday @ 4pm EST at

After checking in with our hosts (and poking some good natured fun at a dear mutual friend), Fr. Shaun lays out these paragraphs in this week's '2-Minute Drill' and we reflect together on the liturgical and personal spiritual reality of 'baptizing' the common things of our lives for the purpose of falling ever more deeply into the one great love story in which we all find ourselves.

Have you left a review of our show on iTunes yet?  Please do that - and you'll be entered to win a copy of the Vatican II documents to read along with the Vatican You hosts in coming weeks.  For details visit: Vatican You Social Media Contest.

Join us this week for a full episode:
  • Explore the struggles of having to purchase clerical attire in ridiculously large sizes, and recent innovations in traditional priest garments (e.g., Fr. Alan's infamous, but oh so comfortable, 'tabby cassock'.)
  • Learn what 'baptizing Christmas trees' means and how it relates to these ideas (and has a real place in the life of the Church for practical and spiritual reasons).
  • Be a part of our first 'Mailbag' segment, where we answer a question from one of Fr. Chris' high school students who wants to know why priests wear black.
  • The difference between 'uniformity' and 'unity' - and how that's lived out in the life of the Church and our own spiritual journeys.
  • Um...Fr. Jerry chants the following phrase: porcum Dei (pig of God)...find out how that has anything to do with this conversation (and be surprised when you discover that, in fact, it really does)
  • Our hosts cram as many 'breadbox' puns as possible into a new promo.
  • Fr. Chris recalls the time that he flew a helicopter through the ginormous Advent Wreath in one of Fr. Shaun's previous parishes.  (And yes, folks - believe it or not - that is a true story...)
Join us for a lot of fun, this week on Vatican You. Check us out online - or listen right here (click the play button below).

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 6 "Two Edged Sword" Edition

Catholic News Desk Live returns for this "Two Edged Sword" Edition of Vatican You, which starts with the co-hosts giving Fr. Shaun a 'style' score on his show intro.  This week we consider how the Word of God (this amazing guy named Jesus) continues to preach His Gospel through the mysteries of the liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium, par. 33-36) - reminded of what Hebrews tells us: that "the Word of God is living and effective, sharper than a two edge sword."

Remember our Social Media Contest - enter by leaving a review of the show in iTunes. (Details here.)

  • Fr. Chris takes this week's '2 Minute Drill' - and we reflect on Fr. Alan's favorite nickname for him
  • All of the ways that words - our words and God's Word (who is really an amazing person) - come together in this wonderful thing we call 'liturgy'
  • Fr. Jerry raps (yes, he raps...) the hippest show promo known to humankind - and it makes us wonder how long it will take for the folks at Breadbox Media to give us the "thanks for playing" phone call
  • Fr. Shaun shares his (actually pretty awesome) recent purchase - and why Fr. Alan can never use it
  • Catholic News Desk Live returns with a story that puts Pope and pasta in the same sentence - and hopefully doesn't get any of our hosts excommunicated

Vatican You streams at on Saturdays @ 11am (EST)/Sundays @ 4pm (EST), or you can find the podcast on the Breadbox Media Vatican You Archive.  Also, remember you can find Vatican You in the iTunes Podcast store by clicking the iTunes button.

We look forward to joining you - keep praying...

Vol 1, Ep 6 "Two Edged Sword"

How the Word of God continues to preach Good News through the mysteries of the liturgy is this week's topic as we look at Sacrosanctum Concilium par. 33-36. We see how our words and God's Word come together in liturgy, we hear Fr. Jerry rap (yes, RAP) a new Vatican You promo and we learn about Fr. Shaun's newest purchase (and why Fr. Alan can't use it). Catholic News Desk Live returns with 'Pope' and 'pasta' in the same sentence, and our hosts hoping it doesn't get them in hot water. (Get water...) Join us for this week's edition of Vatican You on Breadbox Media.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Vol 1, Ep 5 "No Right to Privacy"

Liturgy is inherently a communal act; never observed privately, always an action of the whole. This week we explore what that means for each person participating in the liturgy (and that's ALL of us), how doing our part (and only our part, and doing it well) brings dignity to each of us and the whole celebration. We go totally random with our first shot at "What's It Say?" and discover why Fr. Chris is a Catholic in VERY good standing in Fostoria, OH. Other topics include what gold stars and skylines have to do with priests' mothers, and why Fr. Shaun's hacking his parish IT systems means you should invest in companies that manufacture label makers. Fr. Jerry realizes a life-long dream, Fr. Alan takes the '2-Minute Drill', and Fr. Chris gets the last 'last word'.

New Vatican You On-Air Promo!

Check out our new on-air promo!  Vatican You - on - join us!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, Ep. 5 "No Right to Privacy" Edition

Put on your seat belt folks - Vatican You is back with the "No Right to Privacy" edition, exploring the communal nature of the liturgy (par. 26-33 of Sacrosanctum Concilium).  In between debating gold stars and skylines - and what they have to do with priests' mothers - we explore the difference between 'planning the liturgy' and 'preparing the liturgy' and discover why there is no such thing as 'private' liturgy.  We also discuss how each person doing their part - and only their part - and doing it well - contributes to the dignity of the entire community's celebration.  Also on this week's show:

  • Fr. Jerry reflects on fulfilling a life-long dream rooted in having a face made for radio
  • We learn what it takes to be a Catholic in good standing in Fostoria, OH (and why Fr. Chris is a Catholic in very good standing)
  • Fr. Shaun confesses to hacking his parish's computer systems, and Fr. Alan shares why he's buying all the stock he can in companies that manufacture label makers
  • Fr. Alan takes this week's '2 Minute Drill', Fr. Chris gets the last 'last word', and we play a totally random round of 'What's It Say?'
All this and more on this week's edition of the Vatican You Show.  Join us!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Vatican You is Now on Breadbox Media

Great news, friends!  The Vatican You Show is now on Breadbox Media, a relational internet radio enterprise featuring on the ground programming, podcasting, and live-streaming events all designed to connect the unconnected.

Same great show.  Same quirky hosts.  Same weekly walk through the teachings of the Church right smack dab in the middle of everyday life.  Still available on iTunes, streaming, and on-air broadcasts in certain areas.  New effort for the new evangelization, new logo, clarified mission, great programming.

Find out more at

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, No. 4 "Not So Loose Change" Edition

This week on Vatican You we explore the change - but not so loose change - envisioned by the Council in par. 21-25 of Sacrosanctum Concilium, and we give credit to our ghost writer/phantom producer/intern Eamonn for each week's catchy titles.  Join our conversation with your comments/questions here or on our Facebook Page Vatican You Show.

This week:
  • The hosts reassure Fr. Chris that they missed him last episode as he reflects on his recent hiking expeditions.
  • Fr. Alan takes this week's last 'last word'. 
  • We reflect on the role that personal preference does or does not play in the liturgy.
  • The hosts recall the focus that we're called to place on Sacred Scripture (in the liturgy, and everything else.) 
  • Our exploration rounds out with getting to know a little more about Fr. Chris (who is never full, but more importantly never full of himself).
  • Finally, we play our first - and a rousing - round of 'Pop Quiz Hotshot'.

Don't forget our Social Media contest - you could win a copy of the Vatican II documents by subscribing to the Vatican You podcast on iTunes and leaving your review of the show there.  Find out more here.

Vol 1, Ep 4 "Not So Loose Change"

The change - but not so loose change - envisioned by the Council is this week's topic (par. 21-25 Sacrosanctum Concilium) and we give credit to our ghost writer/phantom producer/intern Eamonn for each week's catchy titles. The hosts reassure Fr. Chris that they missed him last episode as he reflects on his recent hiking expeditions, Fr. Alan takes this week's last 'last word'. Along the way we reflect on the role that personal preference does or does not play in the liturgy, and recall the focus we're called to place on Sacred Scripture (in the liturgy, and everything else.) We get to know a little more about Fr. Chris (who is never full, but more importantly never full of himself) and playing a rousing round of 'Pop Quiz Hotshot'. Keep praying...

Friday, August 21, 2015

Vol 1, Ep 3 "Not a Spectator Sport"

All liturgy is a complete community participation - "not a spectator sport". (Sacrosanctum Concilium par. 14-20) Our hosts wonder if the mountain Fr. Chris is off climbing is a mountain of french fries and gravy. Fr. Shaun offers this week's '2-Minute Drill'. Fr. Jerry gets a 'beeping' acclamation from the parking lot. We're reminded of what 'liturgy' actually means and meet Fr. Alan, learning how a simple statement in his senior year of college turned his world upside down (and for the better). An idea for a new segment ('Two Sides of the Same Coin') is born. And Fr. Jerry gets this week's last 'last word'. Keep praying...

Vatican You Vol. 1, No. 3 "Not a Spectator Sport" Edition

Join us on the stream this weekend for the Vatican You Show's "Not a Spectator Sport" edition, Saturday @ 11am EST/8am PST and Sunday at 4pm EST/1pm PST. This week our hosts are exploring par. 14-20 of Sacrosanctum Concilium, Vatican II's Consitution on the Sacred Liturgy that teaches us that all liturgy is a complete community participation.  Join us!
  • Fr. Jerry, Fr. Shaun, and Fr. Alan wonder if the mountain Fr. Chris is off climbing is a mountain of french fries and gravy...
  • Fr. Shaun gives explores these concepts in a nutshell during our '2-Minute Drill'
  • Fr. Jerry gets a 'beeping' acclamation from the parking lot
  • Fr. Shaun reminds us what 'liturgy' actually is
  • We meet Fr. Alan and learn how a somewhat simple statement in his senior year of college turned his world upside down (and for the better)
  • An idea for a new segment ('Two Sides of the Same Coin') is born
  • Fr. Jerry gets this week's last 'last word'

Hear the live stream, find showtimes and information, all at

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Social Media Contest - You Could Be a Winner!

Friends - the hosts of Vatican You want to put the Council in your hands. That's right. Between now and September 30, 2015 you have a chance to win a copy of the Council documents for personal prayer, study, and reflection (and to read right along with Fr. Shaun, Fr. Jerry, Fr. Chris and Fr. Alan each week on the Vatican You Show). Entering is simple:
  1. Subscribe to the Vatican You podcast on iTunes** (click this button to go to the iTunes store.)
  2. Listen to our podcasts and then leave a review on iTunes.
  3. Then message us on Facebook or post a comment here sharing your iTunes name so we'll know who to enter in our drawing.
We'll enter your name in a random drawing, and the winner will receive straight to their doorstep a brand new copy of Flannery's "Vatican Council II Volume 1: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents".  It's that simple. Tell your family - tell your friends - and come join the fun!

**You can also search for "Vatican You" from the iTunes Podcast ap on your smart phone or other device.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Vol 1, Ep 2 "Source and Summit"

This week we take a deeper look at the nature of sacred liturgy itself and what it means to live like the liturgy really is the "source and summit" of life. We meet Fr. Jerry and learn how he brings out the 'Cher' in Fr. Alan (...wait til you hear Fr. Chris' Cher impersonation...) Fr. Shaun introduces 'cling veil' - the latest product from the VU Research Labs, and Fr. Alan plays a rumbling version of Patron Saint Roulette. Keep praying...

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, No. 2 "Source and Summit" Edition

This week your hosts explore paragraphs 5-13 of Sacrosanctum Concilium, taking a deeper look at the nature of sacred liturgy itself. We also meet our co-host Fr. Jerry Byrd and learn how he brings out the 'Cher' in Fr. Alan. (Wait til you hear Fr. Chris' Cher impersonation...) All this and more this week on Vatican You:
  • Fr. Chris provides our 2-Minute Drill exploring the nature of the sacred liturgy
  • We meet Fr. Jerry and learn that, believe it or not, Fr. Alan actually does believe in love.
  • Fr. Shaun introduces the latest product from the Vatican You research labs, Cling Veil.
  • Fr. Alan plays a rumbling version of Patron Saint Roulette.
  • Explore what it really means to live like the liturgy is the source and summit of the Christian life in this week's RealLife segment.

Find out more, listen live or stream our Podcast, and explore it all at! Keep praying...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Subscribe to the Vatican You Radio Hour Podcast in iTunes

If you use the iOS "Podcasts" ap and want to subscribe to the Vatican You Show to have it downloaded to your phone each week, click the button below and it'll take you right to it.  There are several other ways to follow Vatican You - we'll keep you posted on them here and on our Vatican You Show Facebook Page.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Vol 1, Ep 1 "Begin at the Beginning"

For our first show we 'begin at the beginning' - the Sacred Liturgy - the same place the Second Vatican Council began their work. This week we consider the introduction to Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, and discuss the general objectives of the entire Council. Also: what could go wrong with 4 priests hosting a weekly show, Fr. Alan's 2-Minute Drill, meet Fr. Shaun and learn about his one and only athletic adventure), Fr. Jerry's Catholic News Desk Live explores what soda fountains and french fries and Pope Francis have in common, and we look at the impact of these four small paragraphs on Real Life. Keep praying...

Friday, July 31, 2015

Vatican You Vol. 1, No. 1 "Begin at the Beginning" Edition

On this week's show, we 'begin at the beginning' - the Sacred Liturgy.  Join our hosts as we begin our weekly walk through the Magisterium of the Church the same place the Second Vatican Council began their work - with our exploration of Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.  In this week's show, we take a closer look at paragraphs 1-4, the introduction to the document.  We also discuss the general objectives of the entire Council outlined in these paragraphs that will inform our reading of the other conciliar documents.

On this week's show:
  • The hosts discuss what could go wrong with 4 priests hosting a weekly radio show...
  • Fr. Alan's '2-Minute Drill' summarizes the contents of par. 1-4
  • We meet Fr. Shaun, and learn about his one and only athletic adventure, as well as why he has flashing lights on his priest-mobile.
  • Fr. Jerry takes the lead on our first Catholic News Desk Live segment, exploring what Soda Fountains and French Fries have to do with the magisterial authority of the Church.
  • Explore the impact on these four small paragraphs on your life in the RealLife segment.

Find out more, listen live or stream this and other Podcasts, all at Breadbox Media!  Keep praying...

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Vatican You is Coming...

The Vatican You Radio Hour is on the way!  Fr. Chris, Fr. Shaun, Fr. Jerry, and Fr. Alan recently recorded the first two shows.  Stay tuned while we turn that into our first two weekly broadcasts.  Then, join us on our weekly walk through the Magisterium of the Church right smack dab in the middle of our daily lives, and have a lot of fun along the way.